audi A5 - breathing city

directors: anthony atanasio + valerie martinez

dop: philippe le sourd

1st ad: ryan lippert

production designer: duncan reed

costume: elisabetta beraldo

canon 5d digital timelapse unit: tom lowe

additional camerawork: anthony atanasio

exec producer: florian beisert

producer: simona daniels

service producer: brent spector @ bigfish

editor: stuart greenwald

music/sound: johnnie burns and alex nicholls-lee @ wave

post: framestore, london

lead-flame: jonathan hairman

flame: avtar bains, william bartlett

post-producer: michael stanish @ framestore

tk: jean-clement soret @ mpc london

location: los angeles, usa

agency: heimat berlin

ceo/creative director: jurgën vossen, myles lord

production company: markenfilm, germany

we wanted the breathing to feel organic in this spot and to create a series of low-key connections that happens across a large city but almost under the radar, almost within the imagination. all effects were achieved in camera and then tweaked in post-production.

the double-leaf ‘bascule’ bridge seen opening was nowhere to be found in LA so we built one, or at least a 4ft foreground miniature of one.

the time-lapse sequences were shot using the Canon 5D digital camera.

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